Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Your correspondent apologizes for missing the planting. He got wrapped up in his next project, and by the time he emerged from the haze, it was dark  outside.  All images here are due to Larnie, which explains the fact that while he was there, he appears in none of them.

We start with the project as it was last week - a strange Stonehenge-like object suddenly appeared on the Green at the end of 2nd Street.

First priority, access for the operations to come.

Next, a small army of workers shows up.

Cutting the sod - the basis for cleaning water

Laying down the plastic and metal web - the base for the sod.

Placing the cut sod on the plastic and metal web..

Your mayor takes a hand in the project...

Workers on a cold day...

Laying sod according to plan.....

Above all - Don't get him angry.....

Laying out the sod in the maze pattern...

Happy worker...

This reminded me more than anything else of a quilting bee...

Sod placement approaches conclusion....

Pinning the sod down to hold it in place...

The master admires his work...

Watering the sod. Making sure the water runs in the right direction

The finished planting - a sod maze...

And last, an explanation for the curious - what this mysterious object is and does...

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