Wednesday, January 21, 2015

International Orange: Painting the Outflow and Setting the Drain Lines

After the long Holiday pause, we're finally restarting the effort.   Mark has thought about it and decided that international orange, the color of our Golden Gate Bridge Will be the most appropriate card for our a project. Accordingly when I arrive at the caboose, Mark has started painting the outflow supports of the project in an, at first, startling orange/red color. The longer you look at it, the better it looks and the more appropriate for the Bay Area.

The most delicate part of this phase is setting the outflow pipe into the wood containers in such a way as water will continuously flow downhill through the pipes.

Mark gets out of his measuring tape and I get out my calculator. We start computing how much the pipe should drop in each section of outflow support. Three quarters of an inch proves to be the appropriate drop per section and Mark takes out his amazing sawzall which apparently can saw through refrigerators cars but in this case only need saw through wood. He gets busy and and a surprisingly short time he has cut the needed slots into the wood outfall support sections.

The amazing, somewhat frightening, sawzall

Measure -um- twice

Cut once
Once the supports have been cut the next thing is to finish painting them the international orange color.  Again, many hands make short work and the outflow sections, along with hands, brushes, and large swipes of clothing are soon the increasingly familiar color.

Scenes from the project:

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